INSU Galactic Factbook 892


A list of all major states within the Known Systems. Independent worlds, while recognized as states, are listed in the worlds page

The Cerulean Combine

Cerulean Flag

The Cerulean Combine is a decentralized country located primarily in the Outer Rim. Founded several hundred years ago by diaspora communities of Tartessans and Fabricans, the Cerulean Combine now occupies a pivotal role in Outer Rim shipping and exploration, serving as an outer nexus point for the Farspace Transit Array. Historically, the Combine was closely aligned with Weaver states, with the exception of the Krachno Pact. The natural aptitude for spaceflight displayed by members of the Cerulean combine is remarkable, placing them in a uniquely advantageous position to rapidly develop in hostile and uncharted areas of the Known Systems.

International Policy

In recent decades, Cerulea has been taking a more direct role in the development of minor states, primarily by sending caravans of extramassive high capacity spacecraft to aid in the faciliation of interstellar trade. These caravans act as a middle-ground for economic and political cooperation between states that otherwise do not have the means to connect directly, either due to financial constraints or diplomatic troubles. Their relations are generally open with most nations, encouraging free trade, however they have entirely cut off diplomatic relations with the COR. Furthermore, due to rising pirate action in the Outer and Far mid rim, there has been significant military buildup within the Cerulean Combine, including a joint military command with the United Syndicate Republican Navy in the Oceti Expanse.

The Union of Syndicate Republics

Union Flag